Subcontract your site transfer or your web server migration to a new webhost
Completely independent of the hosting companies, the registrars, the networks operators and developers, we inform you objectively on the possible technical problems or defects encountered. .
Our process is in 3 steps: technical study, test version and final transfer. This allows us to detect early enough any conflict between your existing site and your destination hosting.
Potential update or change request in the existing code are precisely studied before they are implemented.
Not sure what hosting company to select, which technology to choose?
Shared hosting, dedicated, virtual, cloud, CDN?
What provider, at what price?
Choosing a hosting provider has become difficult.
Tell us your requirements and budget, and benefit from our experience to select the best offer for hosting, totally independently.
What about taking advantage of your moving to a new hosting to make your web application more secure? :
Load performance tests, system monitoring, page and database optimisation, traffic qualification, backup, security audit, ...
Our experienced team can help you getting the best tools for your web site.